Hello, soon-t0-be new Edmonton mama. If you are new around here, I am Katie Ruegg, the owner (and head photographer 😉) at Katie Ruegg Photography! I also happen to be pregnant myself, expecting my new addition to arrive early December 2020. If you are looking for maternity photos, I first hand understand the excitement. And I would LOVE the chance to document your Edmonton maternity photos so reach out and let’s chat.
Below, I am going to answer some frequently asked questions about Edmonton maternity photos. I’m also going to give you some of my best tips for preparing for your session. And in case I forget, Congratulations! This is such an exciting time and deserves a celebration.

When do you get maternity photos taken?
You definitely want your baby bump showing. Typically, I recommend booking your maternity photos at 34-37 weeks. You don’t want to cut it to close to the due date! When it comes to booking, I recommend booking 4-6 weeks in advance to make sure you get to book the photographer you want. You don’t want to run into availability issues.

Where should you get maternity photos taken?
You can choose an indoor (like your home, or a studio) or an outdoor location. Anywhere with lots of natural light will make your photos look the best. Since you will be very pregnant by the time the photos are taken, make sure to choose a location that is easy to walk to (or is easy to walk around when you get there). You don’t need to overcomplicate this either. Some of my favourite maternity photos have been taken just outside the family’s house on their sidewalk!

What to wear for your maternity photos
I know that when you are pregnant, you have a million things to plan for. Although you may have a list of photos you want (or add me to your Pinterest board ahead of time), here are a couple other notes to help you prepare ahead of time!
Dresses tend to be a fan favourite! Whether you want something tighter to really show off your bump, or you want to embrace the slowly, carefree pregnancy vibes, choose something that you feel comfortable in. And when considering what to wear, don’t forget about the shoes! Especially if you are planning out your photos a couple months in advance, you may not be prepared for how much your feet might swell by the time we are ready to take photos. It’s best to prepare a few options ahead of time.

Posing ideas for your maternity photography session
I usually like to keep my blogs information-rich, but for something like posing ideas, I wanted to show off just a few of the incredible couples I have had a chance to work with to give you some posing ideas. I love the solo maternity shots and the family photos!

Booking Your Maternity Photos & Newborn Photos
Don’t forget – Maternity Photos (and newborn photos!) are definitely something you can add to your registry. Contact me to ask about packages and gift card options. As an added bonus, anyone who books maternity photos AND newborn photos in Edmonton this year, get’s a free spot in one of my family photo mini sessions next year (I recommend saving this for those one year family photos!).